Dental treatments

Dental treatments include treatments that increase the quality of life of people by eliminating the problems that occur in the teeth and eliminate their aesthetic concerns. Therefore, there are many dental treatments available.

Dental treatments

Oral diagnosis refers to the diagnosis of oral and dental diseases using radiological imaging techniques. Existing diseases are diagnosed using imaging techniques, and then the necessary treatment is planned. Oral and dental diseases that cannot be seen with the naked eye can be diagnosed thanks to oral diagnosis and radiology.

Dental treatments consist of different treatments. These are as follows:

Oral Diagnosis and Radiology
Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery
Conservative Dentistry
Prosthetic / Prosthetic Dentistry (Crowns and Bridges, Removable Dentures)
Pedodontics (Child Oral and Dental Health)
Implant Applications

Our services

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